We will correct the exam and return it to you immediately following the exam with full corrections and feedback for the writing pieces. In addition to this, we will give students access to a 3-hour online workshop immediately following the exam so while the exam is still fresh, the workshop will walk students through the questions that were commonly answered incorrectly.
We also provide students with fully worked solutions for each question as well as a sample essay response, so they can see where they have gone wrong. Have further questions? You will have access to a live online Q&A where you can get all your questions answered following each exam.
Lastly, we will email you your child's performance report comparing your child against others during the exam to give you a better idea as to where your child is at. This is designed to ensure students receive the feedback they need to fine-tune their performance. Then after a two-week break to review these materials they will have the opportunity to sit their second mock exam
On day one you will sit a 3-hour simulated exam followed by immediate access to our 3-hour online workshop that will go through answers to the more challenging questions, and you will receive the question booklets and fully worked solutions to the multiple-choice sections at the conclusion of the mock exam.
The results and corrected writing pieces with detailed feedback will be given to you directly following the exam, and we will email you your child's performance report comparing them against others in the mock exam. On day two you will sit a second 3-hour simulated exam and receive access to four 90 minute videos containing a comprehensive breakdown of each section of the exam.
Again, the results and corrected writing pieces with detailed feedback will be given to you directly following the exam, and we will email you your child's performance report comparing them against others in the mock exam.
Following each exam, there will be a live online Q&A where you can get any further questions clarified once you have had a chance to review your exam performance.
Here are answers to commonly asked questions.
If you have further questions about our simulated exam please feel free to contact us on 1800 668 177 or email: enquiries@spectrumtuition.com
Yes, please bring your ticket on the day.
Be sure to pack a snack and drink for your child to have during the break. This is a very intensive process and your child will need to feel as comfortable as possible on the day to get the most out of the experience. In the past, students have also found that the exam hall has been quite chilly so pack a light jacket regardless of the weather.
All sales are final. We don't offer any refunds unless required under Victorian consumer law.
Please register using your child's name - make sure you have the correct details for the day.